Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Footprint of Lord Buddha 10 days tour

Day 1: Singapore → Delhi
Arrival in Delhi airport.  Upon arrival meet up with your Odyssey Manager and he will provide information about the tour and the transfer to hotel. Check in to hotel and arrange for wake up call for the early departure next morning.

Day 2: Delhi → Lucknow → Sravasti (134 km, 6.25h train ride and 4 hours bus ride)
Travel to the train station early in the morning to board the morning Shatabedi train to Lucknow. The train leaves the station at 0615 and arrives at 1230 in Lucknow.  Breakfast served on board.  Upon arrival, have lunch in Lucknow then head towards Sravasti, the capital of the ancient kingdom of Kosala which had the honour to shelter Buddha for 24 rainy seasons in the Jetvana Gardens. The city, which was believed to be found by the mythological king Sravast, has age-old stupas, majestic monasteries and several temples. Buddha was said to have performed some miracles there. Visit Saheth (Maheth and Jetvan) in the afternoon. Stay in Sravasti for the night. 
Saravasti – Jetanava Vihara Ananda bodhi tree

Day 3: Sravasti → Lumbini (Nepal) (209 km, 5h, allow extra time at the border)
After breakfast, travel to Lumbini & check in to hotel. Lumbini, the birthplace of the Buddha, was found in 1895 after being untraced for 1,500 years. Do some sightseeing around Lumbini in the evening and visit the place where Lord Buddha was born. Stay in Lumbini for the night.

Lumbini - Mahamaya Temple

Day 4: Lumbini → Kushinagar (India) (161 km, 4h, allow extra time at the border)
After breakfast, head down to Kushinagar, where Lord Buddha attained Mahaparmirvana. Amongst the ruins are the Mukutbandhan Stupa and a beautiful statue of the reclining Buddha enroute visiting Vaishali. Arrive Kushinagar and check in to hotel.
Kushinagar – Reclining Buddha Temple

Kushinagar – Reclining Buddha Temple

Day 5: Kushinagar → Vaishali → Patna (253 km, 6 hours drive and one hour visiting)
Travel to Patna after breakfast and visit Vaishali on the way.  Gautama Buddha delivered his last sermon in Vaishali and announced his Parinirvana here. Abhishek Pushkarini, the coronation tank is located 1km away. The sacred water in the tank anointed the elected representatives of Vaishali. Next to it is the Japanese temple built by the Nipponzan Myohoji sect from Japan. A small part of the Buddha's relics found in Vaishali have been enshrined in the foundation and in the chhatra of the Stupa. Near the coronation tank is Stupa 1 or the Relic Stupa. After visiting Vaishali, head for Patna and check in to hotel there.

Day 6: Patna Nalanda Rajgir Bodhgaya (198 km, 4h ride and 2-3 hours visiting time)
After breakfast, travel to Bodhgaya and take a tour around Nalanda and Rajgir on the way. Rajgir, or Rajagriha as it was known in the past (literally, the abode for kings) is surrounded by the meandering Banganga River and 5 mountains. During the lifetime of the Buddha, this was the capital of the powerful Magadhan kingdom, ruled by the virtuous King Bimbisara. The mountains and caves surrounding Rajagir served as homes to spiritual teachers, ranging from the materialism of the early Charavaka School to the metaphysics of Upanishadic philosophers. Like many others in search for truth, Prince Siddhartha, came to this city to seek the path of vation after he renounced his royal heritage. Vishwa Shanti Stupa (World Peace Pagoda) is located on Grdhakata Hill in Rajgir. Nalanda was the most renowned university in ancient India. The name was derived from Na-alam-da, which means Insatiable in Giving, one of the names Lord Buddha was known to have.
Rajgir - Vishwa Shanti Stupa on Gridhakata Hill

Nalanda – Xuan Zang Memorial Hall

Day 7: Bodhgaya
As the place of the Buddha's Enlightenment, Bodhgaya is a spiritual home for Buddhists. Bodhgaya, located near the Niranjana River, is one of the holiest Buddhist pilgrimage centres after Lord Buddha attained enlightenment under the Bodhi tree. After breakfast, visit the Mahabodhi Temple, Niranjana River and Sujata Village. Stay in Bodhgaya for the night.
Bodhgaya – Mahabodhi Pagoda

Day 8: Bodhgaya Varanasi (242km, 6h ride)
Travel to Varanasi after breakfast. Varanasi is situated on the bank of Ganges River and is the city of Shiva and the holiest for the Hindus. Varanasi is also known Benaras or Kashi. This city has been centre of learning for over 2000 years. Ganges is known as the river of salvation and many people come here before leave this world and take in their last breath so that they can leave the cycle of life, death and suffering, also known as Moksha.
Visit Sarnath in the afternoon. Sarnath is 10km Northeast of Varanasi and is the place where Lord Buddha preached for the first time after he attained enlightenment. In 3rd century BC, Ashoka the Great built stupas and monasteries and an engraved Ashoka pillar here. Muslim invaders destroyed the city and it was rediscovered by archaeologists in the 18th century. Buddhist organisations from 6 nations have built temples in Sarnath.  

Sarnath - Dhamekh Stupa

Day 9: Varanasi → Delhi → Agra
Proceed to airport in the morning to board the scheduled flight to Delhi. Upon arrival, travel 200km (about 4h) to Agra. Agra was the capital of India in the 16th and 17th century and most of the monuments and forts were built during this period. Check in to hotel for the night.
Varanasi – Ganges River

Day 10: Agra → Delhi → Singapore
After breakfast, visit Taj Mahal and Red Fort. Taj Mahal is one of the most beautiful architectural masterpieces in the world. Built entirely using white marble, Taj Mahal is regarded as one of the eight wonders of the world.  Some Western historians have noted that its architectural beauty has never been surpassed. 
Visit Agra Fort after Taj Mahal tour. The great Mughal Emperor Akbar commissioned the construction of the Agra Fort in 1565 AD, although additions were also made during of his grandson Shah Jahan’s rule. The fort has a shape of a crescent, flattened on the east with a long, nearly straight wall facing the river. It has a total perimeter of 2.4 km,being 9m wide and 10m long, and is surrounded by double castellated ramparts of red sandstone alternated at regular intervals by bastions. Deep moats also surround the outer wall. There are a number of exquisitely designed buildings located near Agra Fort such as the Moti Masjid (a white marvel mosque resembling a perfect pearl), Diwan-e-Am, Diwan-e-Khaas, Jehangir's Palace, Khaas Mahal, Shish Mahal and Musamman (also named as Samman Burj, where Shahjahan was held captive in 1666 AD). Proceed to airport in Delhi 200km away (4-5h ride) after lunch and board plane back to Singapore.
Agra – Taj Mahal

Price: approximately S$1400/person, excluding air tickets


第一天: 德里(Delhi)

第二天: 德里(Delhi) 勒克瑙(Lucknow)卫舍城(Saravasti):
约清晨5点后出发到火车站,乘坐冷气特别快车前往勒克瑙 (Lucknow),早餐于火车上车程约6小时,转车前往卫舍城 (Saravasti) 佛陀时期枸萨弥罗国之首都,车程约4小时134公里。当时的一位富有信徒”给孤独”长者 (Anathapindada), 在梵语“Anathapindada”意为给于孤儿或无助者的善施者。他铺金买园建祗园精舍,让佛陀在此开示说佛法。佛陀在此渡过24个雨季,从祗园遗迹可想像当时丽清幽的环境,处处佛堂精舍的壮观场面。卫舍城也是佛陀大显神通成功降伏外道,使他们心悦诚服的地方。参观后返回酒店,住宿卫舍城酒店。


第三天: 卫舍城(Saravasti)兰毗尼园(Lumbini):
早餐后参观祗园精舍 (Jetvan garden)后继程前往尼泊尔境内兰毗尼园 (Lumbini),行程约5个小时209公里兰毗尼园是佛陀诞生地。参观据说摩耶夫人未生下释迦牟尼前沐浴,和释迦牟尼诞生时沐浴的池塘帕斯卡尼池 (Puskarni Pond), 还有建于公元前249年的阿育王石柱 (Ashoka Pillar) 和菩提树,它于1895年才被考古学家发现而确定为兰毗尼所在地, 经过挖掘整修后成为佛教圣地,也被列入世界文化遗产名单。现在园内有由20多个国家与佛教组织兴建的佛寺与佛庙,每间寺庙都各具特色,建筑风格大不相同,就像个寺庙大展,当晚住宿于兰毗尼



第四天: 兰毗尼园(Lumbini)库什那迦(Kushinagar)
早餐后驱车住库什那迦 (Kushinagar)车程约4小时161公里,库什那迦佛陀大涅盘槃的圣地,佛陀涅槃后在此火化,把佛陀舍利分给八个信奉佛教的大国,而各国领取佛陀舍利后修建佛塔供奉舍利。库什那迦景点有大涅槃寺 (Mahaprinirvana Temple)、大涅槃塔(Mahaprinarvana Stupa)和当年大迦叶尊者引燃柴火堆、火化佛陀的地方安迦罗塔 (Angara Chaitya),住宿于库什那迦




第五天:  库什那迦(Kushinagar)巴特那(Patna):
早餐后个参观大涅槃寺,过后驱车往巴特那(Patna)顺道参观毗舍离 (Vesali),行程约6小时253公里。毗舍离是佛陀时代拔耆国的首府,毗舍离也是佛陀首次接受女众出家成为比丘尼的地方,而首批出家成为比丘尼的女众包括他的姨母摩诃波阇波提王妃。此地也是佛陀最后一次正式集合僧众讲结维摩经处,和佛陀宣布他将进入涅槃所在地。考古学家在吡舍离的一个古佛塔里发现佛陀舍利,证实佛陀舍利八分八大国之说。

第六天: 巴特那(Patna)纳兰陀(Nalanda)王舍城(菩提迦耶(Bodhgaya):
早餐后出发往菩提迦耶 (Bodhgaya),途中参观纳兰陀 (Nalanda)和王舍城 (Rajgir),行程约4小时198公里。纳兰陀是古时佛教大学城,晋代高僧法显和唐代高僧玄奘都曾在此留学,在鼎盛时期曾聚集一万多名僧侣与学生。王舍城是佛陀时期摩竭陀国的首府,附近有五座山丘环绕,出名的景点有灵鹫山 (Gridhakata Hill)、竹林精舍 (Kalandaka Venuvana)、毕波罗石窟 (Pipphalaguha) 、玄奘纪念堂 (Xuanzang Memorial Hall)、温泉 (Hot Springs)等,当晚住宿菩提迦耶旅馆。



第七天: 菩提迦耶(Bodhgaya):
菩提迦耶 (Bodhgaya)位于尼连禅河 (Niranjana River)畔西边。当年释迦牟尼在苦行林修习苦行六年,仍然不能证悟后,绝定放弃修行苦行而改中庸修行之道。 他于尼连禅河边沐浴后,接受牧羊女供养的乳粥,在菩提树下靜思,于月圆之夜证得正果成佛 当天参观的景点有2250年前阿育王时期兴建的大菩提寺 (Mahabodhi Temple) 、佛陀成道的大菩提树下金刚座、尼连禅河 (Niranjana River) 、牧羊女村庄素伽达村 (Sujata Village) 等,当晚住宿菩提迦耶旅馆。


第八天: 菩提迦耶(Bodhgaya)瓦纳那西(Varanasi)
早餐后出发到瓦纳那西(Varanasi),行程约6小时242公里,抵达后参观鹿野苑(Sarnath),佛陀证悟后初转法轮圣地,佛陀首次向五比丘讲说佛法,至此佛教才具备佛、法、僧三宝,成为真正意义上的宗教。参观景点有达曼克塔(Dhamekh Stupa)、慕尔甘陀哈库提寺(Mulagandhakuti Temple)、阿育王石柱(Ashoka Pillar)、菩提树等。晚餐后自由活动,当晚住宿于瓦纳那西。


第九天: 瓦纳那西(Varanasi)德里(Delhi)阿格拉(Agra)
早餐后观看恒河日出与参观河溿的火化场。恒河是印度教徒的圣河,黎明时分可看到信徒在河中沐浴,以祈求神灵保护。午餐后出发到机场乘搭班机回德里,由旅程经理接待后乘巴士前往阿格拉,行程约200多公里需4-5小时。在16-17世纪阿格拉曾是蒙兀儿王朝 (Mugal Empire) 的首都,多数的古迹和城堡都建立于那个时期,入住酒店休息

第十天: 阿格拉(Agra)德里(Delhi)新加坡
过后参观阿格拉红堡,阿格拉城堡始建于蒙兀儿王朝的阿克巴大帝1565年,至沙贾汗国王时期都一直在改装重建而成为王宫。整个城堡环绕着护城河周长2.4公里,由10米高9米宽的红色沙岩建成,城堡里面建有由白色大理石建成的明珠清真寺(Moti Masjid)、公众接见大厅(Diwan e Am)、贾汗基宫殿(Jehangir’s Palace)、卡斯玛哈宫(Khas Mahal)、实希玛哈宫(Shish Mahal)这里也是晚年沙贾汗国王被儿子囚禁处。午餐后启程回德里,配合班机时间往机场回国。

