Friday, December 30, 2011

Jiuzhaigou 8 days tour

D1: arrive at airport in Chengdu and transfer to hotel to rest for the day.
Hotel: Chengdu Yinhe Dynasty Hotel (4*) or similar
D2: after breakfast, take domestic flight from Chengdu to Jiuzhaigou. Head over to Mounigou scenic area upon arrival. The scenic area is situated 17 thousand metres west of Songpan county, with waterfalls, springs and caves as the main attractions. Zhaga Waterfall, being 40 metres wide and 931 metres high, is largest calcified waterfall in China. After that, check in to hotel.
Meals: lunch, dinner
Hotel: Grand Jiuzhaigou Hotel (4*) or similar
D3: After breakfast, travel to Jiuzhaigou scenic area. Have a look around Jiuzhaigou for the whole day and have lunch at the restaurant within the scenic area. (Can participate in the Tibetan party at night at 150RMB/person, and roasted lamb at 120RMB/person, expenses self paid)
Meals: breakfast, dinner
Hotel: Grand Jiuzhaigou Hotel (4*) or similar
D4: After breakfast, head over to Chuanzhu Temple, passing by Gonggang Peak which is the source of Minjiang River. Along the way, visit Zangjiu Hall (Tibetan medicinal hall) (40 minutes), local specialty shop (40 minutes) and Shangheng Linka crystal shop (40 minutes). Then travel to Chengdu by plane and check in to hotel. You can go for free and easy activity in the afternoon and have a look around Jinli, one of Chengdu’s old streets, and experience the lifestyle there.
Meals: breakfast
Hotel: Chengdu Yinhe Dynasty Hotel (4*) or similar
D5: Travel to Leshan and visit Haitang Xiangyuan crystal exhibition centre or Rundong crystal exhibition centre (40 minutes). After lunch, go sightseeing at Leshan Buddha, Lingyun Temple and the Mahavira Palace. Leshan Buddha, a large stone carving of Maitreya Buddha, is 71 metres tall, head 10 metres wide, shoulders 24 metres wide and ears 7 metres long. Next, head over to famous Dongfang Buddha scenic area (admission ticket 90RMB self paid), then travel to Mount Emei. On the way there, you can choose to enter Wumu Museum (admission ticket 90RMB self paid). Arrive at Mount Emei and check in to hotel. (Optional activity: large scale special stunts and Emei wushu performance 180RMB/person)
Meals: breakfast, lunch, dinner
Hotel: Huasheng Hotel (4*) or similar
D6: Enjoy breakfast at 6am in the morning, then take the tour bus within the tourist attraction to Leidongping car park. Walk approximately 1.5 kilometres to take the cableway to Golden Summit Temple. If you are lucky, you get to see the beautiful sunrise. Go sightseeing at Mount Emei’s newly opened tourist attractions: Golden Palace, Silver Palace, Bronze Palace and large viewing tower. You can choose to take a train ride to Wanfoding (expenses self-paid). Take the cableway down to the reception hall (55RMB/person self paid) or walk there (1 hour), then take the tour bus down the mountain. Change to the tour coach and return to Chengdu.
Meals: breakfast, lunch
Hotle: Chengdu Yinhe Dynasty Hotel (4*) or similar
D7: choose either option 1: Xindu Baoguang Temple/Daci Temple/Wenshu Monastery
Travel to Baoguang Temple after breakfast, which is situated in Xindu 18 kilometres away from the city. After lunch, travel back to Chengdu and have a look around Daci Temple. Built during the Sui Dynasty, which is one of Chengdu’s famous ancient temples. Next, visit Wenshu Monastery, a famous Buddhist temple in Chuanxi.
Meals: breakfast, lunch, dinner
Hotel: Chengdu Yinhe Dynasty Hotel (4*) or similar
Or option 2: Panda Base/Wenshu Monsatery/Daci Temple
Travel to Panda Base after breakfast. The base was built to save the endangered wild pandas and has a world standard panda breeding research institution. Have a look at the panda cubs, the wild living area for the pandas and the delivery room. After lunch, head over to Wenshu Monastery, a famous Buddhist temple in Chuanxi, then visit Daci Temple, which is built in Sui Dynasty and is one of Chengdu’s famous ancient temples.
D8: Free and easy actitivy after breakfast, then take flight back home.
Meal: breakfast
Price: S$1344/person

Information: (calculated based on 25 people/group)
1.      Excludes return air tickets from Singapore to Chengdu
2.      Includes transport on 30-seater air-conditioned tour coach
3.      Includes 7 breakfasts and 8 proper meals (excludes lunch within Jiuzhaigou, eight dishes and one soup per proper meal)
4.      Includes accommodation in standard twin room in 4-star hotel (breakfast included in hotel)
5.      Includes first admission tickets for each tourist attraction (unless otherwise stated), tour bus within Jiuzhaigou, tour bus and cable car within Golden Summit, electromobile within Panda Base
6.      Includes professional tour guide services
Remarks: self paid tourist attractions will be recommended, but not mandatory!

Friday, December 23, 2011

九寨沟、峨嵋金顶、乐山大佛、大慈寺、文殊院 双飞八日游







早餐后乘车前往新都宝光寺。宝光寺位于新都县城郊,距成都市18公里,占地9万平方米。是四川有名  的佛教禅宇寺庙。相传始建于东汉,隋代名大石寺。公元881年黄 巢攻破长安,唐僖宗奔蜀,在寺后建造行宫,令重修寺、塔,改名宝光寺。宋代时有僧众3000 人,盛极一时。
明代毁于兵灾。清代培修扩建,形成现在规模。 宝光寺保存了中国早期佛寺“寺塔一体,塔踞中心”的典型格局,建筑有“一塔五殿十六院”,气势恢宏。建于清代的罗汉堂由上百根石柱支撑,结构奇巧。577尊菩萨、罗汉以及历代祖师造像神态各异,意趣天成,且全身穿金,为全国罕见。宝光寺楹联众多,意境高古,其中最有名的一副位于大雄宝殿:“世外人法 无定法,然后知非法法也;天下事了犹未了,何妨以不了了之”,为成都市两大名联之一。宝光 寺文物收藏极为丰富,有“寺中三宝”——舍利子、优昙花、贝叶经,有宋徽宗、唐伯虎、张大千、徐悲鸿等名家大师的手笔1000多件,可谓琳琅满目,美不胜收。现在,宝光寺每年接待国内外佛教界人士和四方游客200多万人次,香火鼎盛。已成为游客入川必看的旅游景点。中午返回成都游览大慈寺。大慈寺位于成都市东风路一段,古称“震旦第一丛林”,是成都著名古寺。始建于隋朝,唐玄宗赐匾“敕建大圣慈寺”。唐代扩建后,规模宏大壮观,当时寺内有96个院子,楼、阁、殿、塔、厅、堂、房、廊共8524间,壁上有各种如来佛像1215幅,天王、明王、大神将像262幅。所有画像“皆一时绝艺”,是一座极其珍贵的艺术宝库。宋苏轼誉为“精妙冠世”。宋李之纯在《大圣慈寺画记》中称:“举天下之言唐画者,莫如大圣慈寺之盛。下午游览文殊院。文殊院位于成都市城北文殊院街,是川西著名的佛教寺院。它的前身是唐代的妙圆塔院,宋时改称信相寺。据《成都县志》记载,明朝末年,信相寺毁于兵火,唯有10尊铁铸护戒神像和两株千年古杉,历劫尚存。清朝康熙二十年(公元1681),慈笃禅师来到荒芜的古寺,在两杉之间结茅为庐,苦行修持。传说慈笃禅师圆寂火化时,红色火光在空中凝结成文殊菩萨像,久久不散。人们认为慈笃是文殊菩萨的化身,从此改信相寺为文殊院。康熙三十六年至康熙四十五年(公元16971706),官绅军民捐资重修寺庙。嘉庆、道光年间,文殊院方丈本圆法师又采办了82根石柱,改建、扩建了主要殿堂,形成了现今的规模。 



一、 不含新加坡--成都往返机票  (含成都/九寨沟往返机票)(机票价格到时以现价为准)
二、 30座空调旅游车
三、 正餐八菜一汤,十人一桌。(87早,九寨沟内中餐不含)
四、 挂四酒店双人标准间;酒店双人标间含早
五、 景区第一大门票;含九寨沟公车、金顶观光车及缆车,熊猫基地电瓶车
六、 优秀导游服务
七、 当地导游及司机小费:人民币25//


Sunday, December 18, 2011

Hainan 6 days 5 nights luxury tour (departure in March)

Day 1: Singapore à Haikou
Arrive at beautiful Haikou in Hainan Island, then transfer to hotel for the night.
Meal: dinner                                     Hotel: Haikou
Day 2: HaikouXinglong
Head over to Boao after breakfast and visit Boao City (20 minutes, excluding forum centre), where the Asia Forum is held. It is also named as the eastern version of Venice. After that, take a boat ride to Yudai Bay, which currently holds the Guinness World record for being the largest beach separating a river and sea (tour for 50 minutes). Travel to Xinglong and buy some souvenirs at Bao Shu Hall (50 minutes). Enjoy a free session at the natural hot spring in the hotel at night.
Meals: breakfast, lunch, dinner                                Hotel: Xinglong
Day 3: Xinglong Sanya
Visit the Li’s and Miao’s village and experience the local customs and culture (30 minutes). Next, go sightseeing at Lu Hui Tou Park, which faces the city of Sanya on one side and the other three sides are surrounded by sea. This is also an excellent spot for viewing the sunset.
Meals: breakfast, lunch, dinner                                Hotel: Sanya
Day 4: Sanya
Take some breakfast then travel to Nanshan Buddhist Cultural tourist area facing the South China Sea (tour for 3 hours, includes transport within tourist area). Have a look at the 108m high Guan Yin Bodhisattva statue. Enjoy an exquisite vegetarian feast for lunch, then have a tour around Auspicious Garden. Take a bus ride to Silk Museum (tour for 60 minutes), then head over to the Ends of the Earth scenic area (tour for 3 hours, includes transport within tourist area), which is Hainan’s most significant and symbolic tourist attraction. The scenery here is so beautiful that you definitely will have a delightful time and you might even be reluctant to leave. Taste Hainan’s tea and learn some tea culture during a tea ceremony (50 minutes).
Meals: Breakfast, lunch, dinner                Hotel in Sanya
Day 5: Sanya → Haikou
Travel to Butterfly Valley (tour for 20 minutes), the world’s best combination of natural and artificial environment for a butterfly garden. Walk into the tropical rainforest; admire more than 500 species of colourful butterfly from all over the world and understand the butterfly culture. Head down to Yalong Bay scenic area, China’s most attractive tourist area and graded a 4A scenic area. Visit the Shell Museum first and have a look at thousands of rare species of shellfish. Next, have a tour around the square where many large artistic statues are on display (45 minutes). Then, take a slow walk along the seashore on soft, fine sand and enjoy the sea breeze. Lastly, visit the Li’s and Miao’s village and experience the local customs and culture (30 minutes). Head over to the local specialty store (45 minutes) and buy some souvenirs for your family and friends back in Singapore. After this, travel back to Haikou and rest there for the night.
Meals: Breakfast, lunch, dinner                Hotel in Haikou
Day 6: Haikou Singapore
Free and easy activity after breakfast, then transfer to airport for flight back home.
Meals: breakfast
Price: S$250 (departure on 10th march 2012, excludes air tickets)


第一天: 新加坡  à 海口
含晚餐                住宿:海口
第二天:海口 à 兴隆
含早中晚餐       住宿:兴隆
第三天:兴隆 à 三亚
含早中餐        住宿: 三亚
含早中晚餐       住宿: 三亚
第五天:三亚 à 海口
乘车游览世界上天然与人工结合的最好的蝴蝶园——蝴蝶谷20分钟),走进热带雨林,欣赏来自世界各地500余种纷飞的名蝶,了解蝴蝶文化前往中国最迷人的、素有“东方夏威夷” “天下第一湾”之称的国家AAAA级景点——亚龙湾中心广场45分钟),游览亚龙湾风景区
1.  浏览陈列来自四大洋的数千种珍奇贝类的贝壳馆。
2.  步行入中心广场,观赏广场上最引人注目的,保佑风调雨顺、国泰民安的大型环境艺术的图腾雕塑群。
3.  赤脚漫步于细软的沙滩,感受神怡的椰风海韵;
含早中晚餐       住宿: 海口
第六天:海口 à 新加坡
报价:S$250 2012310日出发,315日回,不含机票)




Friday, December 9, 2011

Hainan 6 days luxury tour

Day 1: Singapore à Haikou
Arrive at beautiful Haikou in Hainan Island, then transfer to hotel for the night.
Meal: dinner                                     Hotel: Haikou
Day 2: Haikou→ Xinglong
Head over to Boao after breakfast and visit Boao City (20 minutes, excluding forum centre), where the Asia Forum is held. It is also named as the eastern version of Venice. After that, take a boat ride to Yudai Bay, which currently holds the Guinness World record for being the largest beach separating a river and sea (tour for 50 minutes). Travel to Xinglong and buy some souvenirs at Bao Shu Hall (50 minutes). Enjoy a free session at the natural hot spring in the hotel at night.
Meals: breakfast, lunch, dinner                                Hotel: Xinglong
Day 3: Xinglong → Sanya
Visit the Li’s and Miao’s village and experience the local customs and culture (30 minutes). Next, go sightseeing at Lu Hui Tou Park, which faces the city of Sanya on one side and the other three sides are surrounded by sea. This is also an excellent spot for viewing the sunset.
Meals: breakfast, lunch, dinner                                Hotel: Sanya
Day 4: Sanya
Take some breakfast then travel to Nanshan Buddhist Cultural tourist area facing the South China Sea (tour for 3 hours, includes transport within tourist area). Have a look at the 108m high Guan Yin Bodhisattva statue. Enjoy an exquisite vegetarian feast for lunch, then have a tour around Auspicious Garden. Take a bus ride to Silk Museum (tour for 60 minutes), then head over to the Ends of the Earth scenic area (tour for 3 hours, includes transport within tourist area), which is Hainan’s most significant and symbolic tourist attraction. The scenery here is so beautiful that you definitely will have a delightful time and you might even be reluctant to leave. Taste Hainan’s tea and learn some tea culture during a tea ceremony (50 minutes).
Meals: Breakfast, lunch, dinner                Hotel in Sanya
Day 5: Sanya → Haikou
Travel to Butterfly Valley (tour for 20 minutes), the world’s best combination of natural and artificial environment for a butterfly garden. Walk into the tropical rainforest; admire more than 500 species of colourful butterfly from all over the world and understand the butterfly culture. Head down to Yalong Bay scenic area, China’s most attractive tourist area and graded a 4A scenic area. Visit the Shell Museum first and have a look at thousands of rare species of shellfish. Next, have a tour around the square where many large artistic statues are on display (45 minutes). Then, take a slow walk along the seashore on soft, fine sand and enjoy the sea breeze. Lastly, visit the Li’s and Miao’s village and experience the local customs and culture (30 minutes). Head over to the local specialty store (45 minutes) and buy some souvenirs for your family and friends back in Singapore. After this, travel back to Haikou and rest there for the night.
Meals: Breakfast, lunch, dinner                Hotel in Haikou
Day 6: Haikou  Singapore
Free and easy activity after breakfast, then transfer to airport for flight back home.
Meals: breakfast

pictures of tourist attractions

Yalong Bay

Nanshan Buddhist cultural garden

Nanshan Temple

Boao City

the Ends of the Earth

Guan Yin Bodhisattva

Yudai Bay

Butterfly Valley

Lu Hui Tou Park

Monkey Island

Shimei Bay

West Island